Strange Driving Laws in Canada
Driving laws differ from province to province, but each province has at least one law that will leave you scratching your head with some of the most strange driving laws in Canada. Here's a few examples:
Ontario is the only Canadian province where it is not illegal to cross a solid line on the highway. It is, however, illegal to cross a solid line when unsafe. So although you can cross, it is up to you to use your judgement and only cross when deemed safe.
Prince Edward Island
Did you know it is illegal to pass another vehicle without honking in PEI? Our North Vancouver driving school doesn't recommend laying down on the horn, but a courtesy honk letting the other drivers know you are passing is recommended.
British Columbia
In BC, having tinted front windows or your windshield is against the law. Although some people may find this strange, it is for safety reasons. Upon impact, windows that are tinted break into large shards of glass, as opposed to tiny pieces of glass, and are much more likely to cause injury.
Are you legally allowed to ride a hoverboard on Vancouver sidewalks? No! It is against the law to ride a hoverboard on the streets or sidewalks of Vancouver (and Toronto!).
Our driving school in North Vancouver would like to hear what kind of strange Canadian laws you've heard of! Leave us a comment below and let us know! To book driving lessons in North Vancouver, give us a call or send us an email. To book driving lessons in Burnaby, Port Moody, Maple Ridge, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam or New Westminster, give us a call.
